Thursday, August 28, 2008

About time...

Well, we've gone and done it! Finally started a family blog! Not that we haven't already started many a tribute to our cute little chica, but this is one that ALL our friends can view, since some of you don't have access to myspace, or facebook, or yahoo. (you know who you are!)
And Ivy can't be left behind when it comes to blogging! Since cousin Griff has such an awesome possie of bloggers at his disposal, she has become quite jealous! and has made demands that we 'get with the program already!'.
Soooo, to briefly catch you up on our angel: She is now 19 precious months old, says 'juice, puppy, hi, momma, dadda, one-twoooo-phree', and loves puppies! She is frequently called 'hurricane Ivy' because of her amazing speed at destroying the home front and she delights in baths, animals, books, and being chased. She is currently taking swimming classes, can hold her breath under water, and loves to float on her back!
We recently went through a big scare with our baby girl, when her doctor decided that the swelling on her chest (which has been present for about 4 months) had definitely grown and should finally be tested. It had never been a cause for concern before, with him, so naturally we were freaking! THANKFULLY, after a number of sonograms were done, we were told that it was simply a lipoma, which after researching, we learned is a benign tumor consisting of mostly fatty tissue. It will never be at risk for being cancerous, which was our number 1 concern. Her doctor has been very reassuring, though he will continue to watch it. We learned that it can be heridetary and recently found out that another family member also has one. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for her!
Well, we have lots more picture to post and will work on this over the next few days. And thank you to all who have an interest enough to read our little blog!


Jeremy Day said...

HEY HEY Michelle! Thanks for sharing your blog!! Ivy is adorable --- look forward to seeing pics along the way!
Love you,

three girls and a guy said...

Hi Mitch,
Glad to here the tests results were good. I've been wondering how they turned out.
Give Ivy a hug for me!
Love ya, Holly